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Harbor of Hope Assemby of God


Statement of Faith

1.That The Absolute Truth of God’s Word is Non-negotiable!

  • Jesus said “Heaven & Earth shall pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

  • Therefore, we proclaim the truth & teaching of God’s Word without compromise and without apology, because we believe that there is life in the truth of God’s Holy Word and that His wonderful Truth is the same for every generation.

2. That The Love of God is Unconditional!

  • The Bible teaches us that God is Love and that He loves every person on this planet.

  • That His love is so strong for this sinful world that He sent His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) to come and die for the sins of the world…

  • And that it is not God’s Will that anyone should perish, but that all would come to repentance & turn to Jesus, as the Bible also teaches us – that Jesus is the Only Hope & Only Savior – and that “There is no other Name under heaven by which we can be saved.”

3. That The Power of God is Available!

  • As a Spirit-filled Church, we believe that Jesus’ words in Acts 1:8 are still for today, in which He said, “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…”

  • As a body of believers we still believe “that all things are possible, for him who believes”

  • The miracle-working power of God is available to His people!

4. And finally that Jesus is soon to Appear Again!

  • The signs of the times tell us – to lift up our heads, for our redemption is drawing near.

  • Christ Jesus is coming back again – we must be ready & we must help others to get ready as well

Statement of Faith

Who is this Jesus?

Why should I care?

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